Chloe Chen Café
Project Chloe Chen Café
Year 2014
Location Taipei
Chloe chen Café is a hidden gem that looks to set the standard in such modern trends.
當走進隱秘的Chloechen Café,彷彿如挖到寶般的進入了一個新的秘密基地。
1. The Eastern District of Taipei:
The Eastern District has always been one of the busiest and most popular areas in Taipei; it is full of subcultures with clusters of old apartment buildings, cafes, restaurants, and clothing stores, all mixed-in with fashionable young people. “Tea Street” has traditionally been an area full of open-front shops but nowadays people are requiring more privacy and exclusivity.
1. 臺北東區巷弄文化
2. Hidden location:
Chloechen Café is located on the first floor of a 30 year-old apartment building. To mix a bit of old with new, the designer has kept the original cement walls and flooring and opened up the space to bring in the sunlight from the alley. To add an air of mystery plus exclusivity, customers need to find the hidden doorbell in the black wooden fence at the entrance and wait for the staff to open the door to enter.
2. 隱秘位置
無招牌的Chloechen Cafe座落在三四十年歷史的老公寓一樓,設計師保留了俱有歷史痕跡的水泥牆及地坪,更引入了防火巷間的陽光到空間之中,讓下午茶時間增添了一絲溫暖。為保留客人的隱私及店面的神秘感,客人需找到隱藏在木頭圍籬之中的電鈴並等待店員應門才能進入到café。
3. A proper home from home:
Chloechen Café is hoping to make their customers feel welcome, comfortable and relaxed when they are in the cafe. The bar is the main focus of the design, just like an open kitchen is at the center of a home. The designer incorporated the idea of a kitchen island into the café by making the kitchen tabletop on an even level with the customers, which allows bartenders and chefs to have closer contact with their customers. To draw attention to the bar, the designer incorporated elevated marble in a black and white stripe pattern with orange spotlights casting across the top to make a memorable visual appeal.
3. 家的感覺
Chloechen Café是一個希望讓客人感受到歡迎及感情的空間,因此設計概念以家為主題,每一個角落的設計及傢俱擺設都是為了打造舒適及放鬆的環境。首先,吧台為空間裡的重點,設計師融入了家中廚房中島的概念,拉近調酒師、廚師與客人之間的距離,並刻意以強烈的黑白條紋大理石做為吧檯立面,吧台上方的大吊燈透出橘紅色的光圈,更在視覺上帶出趣味的效果。
4. Mixing old and new:
The designer has mixed old and new by matching various materials, colors, and patterns to make the seating area warm and inviting. With long velvet sofas in mustard yellow, big slanted mirrors on the wall, wallpaper with blue-leaf prints, and decorated tin ceilings, along with pieces of antique furniture and lamps. By keeping the original cement wall and flooring as the background, it also makes the space feel multi-layered and elegantly unfinished.
4. 新與舊的混搭
5. Setting the trend:
With the evolution of times, there are always new subcultures entering the old Eastern District. Mixing old and new has brought more diversity to Taipei. At Chloechen Café we see that the designer has catered to societal trends by mixing old and new in the design while keeping true to originality.
5. 商空設計的趨勢
隨著時代的進步,老舊的東區巷弄一直有新穎的文化進駐,新與舊的衝擊使臺北文化更豐富多元;而設計師也在Chloechen Cafe空間裡結合了新與舊材質的混搭呼應著這城市發展的現象。