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tAMINN & MW Design is a Taiwan based interior design company founded in 2013


tAMINN & MW Design is founded in 2013 by partners Jensen Chiu and Michelle Wei. We offer custom design to fit every client's needs. Our services include residential, commercial, and hospitality interior designs. We also provide graphic and branding design for our interior design projects. We take every single project as a new challenge and seek every opportunity as a breakthrough for a new vision, innovation, material, and function. We believe“ a completed design does not equal to good design”, we not only pay attention to space planning and styling, but also challenge ourself on testing new materials and searching innovated construction methods. We will always have passion in what we do and believe in any circumstances. 

For years we've been working on residential, commercial, and hospitality interior design areas. Where there's a will there's a way, we've made a lot of impressive cases.

由邱銘展先生和魏芷涵女士於2013年共同創立 tAMINN & MW Design,兩位創辦人著重的不只在於表現特定的室內設計風格,而是強調如何巧妙的結合空間與業主的本質需求,且設計的巧思除了尋找空間的無限可能性,更是會結合整體空間的平面及視覺帶給一個作品的完整性。每一次的設計都是一個新的挑戰,在空間、機能、材質中尋找新的視野,創新的作法,並且實行。對於tAMINN & MW Design而言,我們認同 "設計好不等同於好設計",設計不僅僅應該展現於形式空間的變化,並且需要在細節上更加的謹慎處理,在這方面的實施我們一直秉持不斷的嘗試新的材質運用與工法,而無論落實的困難度如何都不會影響我們對這塊領域的熱誠。堅信創新與創造是我們最大的設計優勢。                                                    


TEL:+886 2 23933133                                                                                                     © Copyright 2020 by tAMINN  & MW Design

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